Fundamental Baseball (Cuts & Relays)

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  • Regular price $20.00
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30 different situations covered. Every player on every play has a job to do. This is the perfect tool to let your players take home and study, or even have out on the field to show everyone where they need to go.

• 4x5 Flip Book

• 4x5 Flash Cards

• Full Size 8x11 Book

Automatic Bulk Discount: 15% OFF orders of 10 or more.
Full Size Price: 8 x 11 FULL size option is $25.00 per book. You will see this at checkout.

*This is not a "Bundle" product.  Options are sold individually.

**This product is not available in digital format. 

***Please note the condensed 4x5 options are a smaller version of the full size books. All content is identical but some font is small. 

****Version 2: Corrected typos from the first version and added notes.